Performing arts

"Motivated, insatiably inquisitive, and committed to pushing my personal boundaries while also developing personally. I always give a project my all, because I have a lot of respect for the performing arts. For me, there is nothing more meditative than being able to slip temporarily outside of my own skin and assume a another identity."

Year of birth: 1991
Height: 183 cm
Acting age: 24-35
Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Mixed (Blue/Green/Gray)
Clothing size: M/L
Collar measurement: 42
Shirt size: 41/42
Shoe size: 43/44
— Selected work in FILMS —
- Affairs to Remember! - Episode IV: Stray Roads - Staffan Lidén - Simon Kasto
- Yet Another Affair to Remember! - Father Lundin - Simon Kasto & Slunk Films (2024)
- I Have Sinned - Anders - Slunk Films (2023)
- Another Affair to Remember! - Staffan Lidén - Simon Kasto & Slunk Films (2023)
- Jerry Knocks - Niklas - Slunk Films (2022)
Grubblandet - Den lyssnande - Slunk Films (2022)
Sven-Eriks andra akt - Sven-Erik Jannok - Slunk Films (2021)
Wishful Thinking - The Wishful Thinker - Slunk Films (2021)
Jerry - Niklas - Slunk Films (2021)
Grillen - Den Deppige - Slunk Films (2021)
Balkongbegrundaren - Balkongbegrundaren - Slunk Films (2021)
Badrumsprinsessan - Badrumsprinsessan - Slunk Films (2021)
- Komikern Sven-Erik - Sven-Erik Jannok - Slunk Films (2020)
Kiss My Axe - Den gnällande - Slunk Films (2020)
Tvagning - Man - Silver Films (2020)
— Selected work in TELEVISION —
[SECRET] - [SECRET] - Art & Bob (2025)
Standup sketch show - Messiah Hallberg - Doppelgänger - SVT & Jarowskij (2024)
— Selected work in COMMERCIALS —
- Från Hjärtat - Spectator in the audience - B-Reel Films AB (2024)
Reklamfilm för Swedbank & Sparbankerna - Eduard Ludendorff - Esteban (2020)
Tobii - What do you see? - John Elvesjö - Chimney (Edisen) (2019)
Social Media Emergency - Bill Bray - Award Losning Movies (2022)
Andreas Pistolelis - Losin' Control - Man in sofa - Ekmark Film & Foto AB (2021)
Motell Hell/o - Demon - Gröna Lund (2018)
Bad Girls - Isaac Drumm - Sollentuna Fria Gymnasium (2011)
Mormor gråter - Mormor - Sollentuna Fria Gymnasium (2008)
- KPMG: 100Y — A Historic Celebration - Noppe Löfwenquist - PS Occasion (2023)
Prova på filmskådespeleri – Elin Hilläng
Elin Hilläng Studios, Uppsala
Mingel för skådespelare och filmarbetare –
Elin Hilläng
Elin Hilläng Studios, Uppsala
- Participated in Elin Hilläng Studio's first social gathering for actors and film workers.
- Participated in a workshop in the form of the Meisner technique that Elin Hilläng teaches.
Teaterworkshop – Lena Carlsson
Dramaten, Stockholm
Enjoying Conflict - Kvällsseminarium med Bob Dolman –
Bob Dolman
Cinemantrix, Stockholm
2022/09/23 - 2022/09/25
Fortsättningskurs i filmskådespeleri – Lukas Loughran
Cinemantrix, Stockholm
2022/02/21 - 2022/05/09
Meisnerteknik – Michael Hamory
Kulturama, Stockholm
2022/02/25 - 2022/02/27
Intensivkurs i filmskådespeleri – Lukas Loughran
Cinemantrix, Stockholm
2019/03 - 2019/05
Method Acting – Cacki (Catarina) Westerlund
Kulturama, Stockholm
2018/09 - 2018/11
Teater, fortsättning – Cacki (Catarina) Westerlund
Kulturama, Stockholm
Continuation course with evening studies in theater acting and improvisation.
Participated in a scene from a larger play.
Gained basic knowledge and experience in stage production and more self-discipline in my stage presence.
2017/02 - 2017/05
Att spela teater – Michael Hamory
Kulturama, Stockholm
Part-time course with evening studies in basic theater acting and improvisation.
Gained basic knowledge of the Meisner technique.
2008 - 2011
Estetiska Programmet - teater – Maria Stefansson, Kerstin Steinbach
Sollentuna Fria Gymnasium, Sollentuna
- Graduated from the theater major with full marks.
Core subjects and courses focused on theatre, art and media..
Participated in three final productions.
— LANGUAGES & associated dialects —
Swedish (Native language)
- Rikssvenska
- Stockholmska
- Dalmål (unspecific)
- Norrländska (Tornedalen, unspecific)
- Skånska (Malmö, Lund, unspecific)
- Fenno-Swedish (unspecific)
English (Fluent)
American (unspecific)
- British (Cockney, posh, unspecific)
- Scottish (unspecific )
Additional languages
- French (Novice)
German (Novice)
- Spanish (Novice)
Mandarin (Novice)
Danish (Novice)
— Additional experiences & special talents —
Experience in serving from working as a waiter.
Looking younger than my actual age.
- Has an artistic flair.
Charismatic and charming.
Totally unafraid to put myself out there.
Takes direction well and appreciates being directed.
Can do voices.
Endowed with an ear for language and dialects.
Has a sense for both comic timing and grave seriousness.
A good improviser.
Bundle of energy with good fitness, motor skills and coordination.
- Official website of Jonathan Sand -